When the Trade Federation moves to secretly annex the peaceful planet of the Naboo by taking their Queen hostage, two skilled Jedi are dispatched to bring the negotiations to a peacful end. The Emperor plots to unleash his powerful Sith apprentice to destroy them both. A young boy is discovered to be potentially the most powerful Jedi ever, and his courage and kind-heartedness are vital to help the Jedi complete their mission. Senator Pulpatine is moving to overtake the political arena of the Federation of Planets. The Gungans surface to aid their neighbouring race fight against the Trade Federation's droid army.

George Lucas' most complete and amazing world comes to life back where the original story began. Befor Starwars, The Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi, comes the most spectacular film of 1999, The Phantom Menace.

Liam Neeson
is Qui-Gon Jinn
Ewan McGregor
is Obi-Wan Kenobi
Natalie Portman
is Queen Amidala/Padm� Naberrie                 
Jake Lloyd (I)
is Anakin Skywalker
Ian McDiarmid
is Senator Palpatine (Darth Sidious)
Pernilla August
is Shmi Skywalker
Oliver Ford Davies
is Sio Bibble
Hugh Quarshie
is Captain Panaka
Ahmed Best
is Jar Jar Binks
Anthony Daniels
is C-3PO
Kenny Baker (I)
is R2-D2
Frank Oz
is Yoda
Terence Stamp
is Chancellor Valorum
Brian Blessed
is Boss Nass
Andrew Secombe
is Watto

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Created by Rasputin
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